Post tagged: Thomas Sankara

Talking Technologies of Transformation with my Students

Me: Okay, so we learn from anthropologists like Appadurai, and others, that critically speaking, globalisation isn’t a one-way street. On the other hand, people often are acutely aware that cultural imperialism is still a reality, right? What about Facebook, Twitter and Co? Aren’t the social media also a …

Revolution 2.0: Thomas Sankara and the Social Media Generation in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is a fascinating example of how a long history of socio-political mobilization, the resurgence of interest in a murdered former revolutionary leader, and the digital connections of the social media age have recently coalesced in a successful revolution.


Graffiti, Ouagadougou, December 2014; Photo: Heike Becker
Graffiti, Ouagadougou, December 2014; Photo: Heike Becker.


Long-time strongman Blaise …